The DTRTI, Mumbai offers a number of core courses as well as conducts special courses based on the demands of the field formations :A. Core Courses :
Basic Course for Newly Recruited Inspectors, being an induction course, is spread over 60 days to enable learning technical and functional aspects of the job of an Inspector.Orientation Courses are organized for newly promoted ITI’s and ITO’s to enable them to understand the challenges of their new job profiles and to equip them with the requisite inputs.Refresher Courses are organised for Assessing Officers and the ITI’s to update their knowledge and skills.B. Specialized Courses : Specialized Courses are mounted to equip officers with specific and latest knowledge to handle various issues like assessments of capital markets, banking transactions, tax treaties, non-residents, leasing investments, finance controls etc.
The Annual Training Calendar of the Institute is prepared after carrying out a detailed analysis of the training needs of the field formations.
The Institute also draws upon the expertise of experienced officers working in the field formations as also in other Departments, University Professors, Management Consultants and other Professionals to augment its training processes as guest faculty from time to time.
Please click here to download the Annual Training Calendar for 2010-11