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The National Academy of Direct Taxes, Regional Campus, Chandigarh formely known as  Direct Taxes Regional Training Institute DTRTI , Chandigarh came into existence vide notification bearing F. No. A - 11.13/3/98-AD-VII Pt. VII dated 11.12.03 of the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Reginoal Campus Chandigarh functions under its parent institute, the National Academy of Direct Taxes NADT , Nagpur. 

Regional Campus, Chandigarh is headed by an officer of the rank of Pr. Additional Director General of Income Tax. It has been mandated to conduct training courses for officers and officials of the Income Tax Department posted in the North-West Region NWR comprising the states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and the Union territory of Chandigarh. This institute also exercises administrative control over the Ministerial Staff Training Units MSTUs located at Patiala, Ludhiana, Panchkula, Amritsar and Shimla. The MSTUs cater to the training requirements of officials below the rank of Inspectors posted under their respective jurisdictions.

The Income Tax Department is constantly upgrading itself to keep up with the changing times. Reginoal Campus, Chandigarh seeks to impart and upgrade skills of the officers and officials of the Income Tax department of NWR keeping in view the current and emerging needs. With this objective, Reginoal Campus Chandigarh seeks and considers inputs and suggestions of the field personnel in drafting its training calendar and training course content. Reginoal Campus, Chandigarh also collaborates with other agencies such as the Enforcement Directorate, GST department, Police, etc. and conducts several outreach programmes for teachers, doctors, senior citizens, etc..  

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