Message From Pr. ADG, NADT, RC, Chandigarh
The National Academy of Direct Taxes, Regional Campus, Chandigarh previously known as Direct Taxes Regional Training Institute DTRTI Chandigarh came into existence vide notification dated 11.12.2003 of the CBDT. It is one of the premier Regional Training Institutes under the Directorate of Training, New Delhi. NADT, RC, Chandigarh with its endeavor towards capacity building, caters to the training needs of the employees of the Income Tax Department posted in the North-West Region NWR .
The NADT, RC, Chandigarh is headed by the Pr. Additional Director General and is equipped with 8 in-house faculties and recurrently engages a pool of guest speakers from within the Department who have excellent knowledge in specific areas and also renowned external speakers having domain knowledge.
There are 5 Ministerial Staff Training Units stationed at Amritsar, Ludhiana, Patiala, Panchkula and Shimla headed by one ITO each and they conduct regular Induction, Orientation and Specialized Courses for Group C and Group D employees of the Department posted in the North-West Region NWR based on their training needs.
The Academy is focused on the comprehensive development of various skill sets of the employees comprising of domain, technical and behavioural aspects. With this vision, the Academy organizes regular and specialized training courses on a diverse range of subjects including core topics such as Income Tax, Accountancy and Allied Laws, Soft skills, Gender Sensitization, Stress Management Courses and Outreach Programs. The Academy also organizes various All India Courses from time to time on contemporary taxation topics for officers posted across the country.
Puja Jindal
Pr. ADG, NADT, RC, Chandigarh