Message From Director
I welcome you all to DTRTI, Chennai.
The Direct Taxes Regional Training Institute DTRTI, Chennai, is one of the ten DTRTIs working under the aegis of the National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur. DTRTI, Chennai, caters to the training needs of the officers and staff of Income Tax department working in the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. In addition it also conducts specialised programmes on regional basis and All India basis.
With the tax laws and procedures changing from time to time, training helps the officers save a lot of time and hard work by updating them on the latest. In addition to our regular courses, DTRTI, Chennai conducts training programmes including seminars on various subjects and topics including the latest topics such as forensic investigation and fraud detection, examination of accounts using the latest computer techniques, latest judicial pronouncements etc. Courses are included anytime, based on specific request from the field formations. We constantly evolve ourselves with a view to excel in the field of training.
The faculty of DTRTI, Chennai, comprises a healthy blend of senior tax administrators, academicians, lawyers and chartered accountants. DTRTI, Chennai has a swanky yet learning ambience with its large lecture halls, spacious and well equipped computer lab, digital forensic lab and library. At DTRTI, Chennai equal importance is given to health and well being and hence we have a gymnasium in addition to the yoga classes conducted every week.
Your experience at DTRTI is sure to be a wholesome experience.
Best wishes to you all for a meaningful training and a successful future.
Additional Director General Trg.
DTRTI, Chennai