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DTRTI Mumbai

The Direct Taxes Regional Training Institute, Mumbai DTRTI , is an unit of the National Academy of Direct Taxes NADT and was established in 1973.  It was established to meet the training needs of officers and officials working in Mumbai, Maharashtra & Gujarat. With the inception of the RTI at Ahmedabad, the present jurisdiction of DTRTI, Mumbai now extends over Mumbai & Maharashtra only.  The objective of the Institute is to empower the Officers / Officials to optimize performance at all levels. Training is provided in an ambience that is conducive to knowledge & skill development.  The Institute is engaged in the task of imparting training to various grades of officers/officials of the Income Tax Department, from the level of Inspectors to Addl./Jt.Commissioners of Income Tax.

The Institute is headed by the Director who is an officer of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India.  The Director is assisted by an Addl.Director, and faculty members consisting of 3 Dy.Directors, 1 Asstt. Directors and 4 ITOs.  The members of the faculty are experienced officers of the Department working in the field formations who are inclined towards training.

The faculty are oriented in the training / learning environment by nominating them for training courses like DTS Direct Training Skills and DoT Design of Training conducted by the Department of Personnel and Training, to hone their training skills.  The Institute also encourages the faculty to upgrade their knowledge and skills in their areas of specialization.

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