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DTRTI Ahmedabad

To cater to the needs of effective training of the officials of Gujarat & Rajasthan at their doorstep, there was a crucial need to start a RTI at Ahmedabad. This dream came true when DTRTI, Ahmedabad came into existence on 3rd September, 2001 and later on getting confirmation by the CBDT on 11th December, 2003. After remaining quiescent for almost 4 years, it started crawling its tiny legs on the land of reality. By adorning the Vision of envisaging RTI as centre for excellence in HRD; the Mission of striving to imbibe and impart the Skills & Knowledge, to excel in providing responsive tax payers services and the Faith that Price of success is hard work, Dedication, and application of the best of ourselves to the task at hand; the DTRTI got its new look on 11th January, 2007. This auspicious journey in its own premises was inaugurated by Smt. Saroj Bala, the then DG, NADT, Nagpur in the august presence of all the CCsIT, DGIT Inv. and the senior officers/ officials of the department at Ahmedabad.

Since then, it established its own identity amongst the training institutions nation-wide. It surpassed many milestones with its innovative and creative contribution to the training by providing Training in a scientific and planned manner. This mesmerising rainbow of training stretched over the horizons of Gujarat & Rajasthan spreading its vibrant colours of creativity, sincerity, perseverance, exuberance, imagination, integrity and inventiveness over 4946 officials including 1119 Gazetted Group A & B Officers and 3827 Non-Gazetted Gr. C & D officials of Gujarat & Rajasthan.

DTRTI, Ahmedabad conducted training programmes including seminars on various subjects and topics to Officers/Officials of all cadres ranging from CsIT/CsIT A /Addl.CsIT to Inspectors of Gujarat and Rajasthan regions.  The training programmes included 60 working days’ Induction Course for Newly Recruited Inspectors, 10 working days’ Orientation course for Newly Promoted Inspectors, Specialised courses on Investigation techniques and assessment, Basics of Computer and ITD applications for Inspectors, Better Life after 60 Course for  Retiring officials , Developing Managerial Skills, Dept. Exam oriented course for SC/ST officials etc. A course on “Court-Craft – Effective representation before judicial authorities” was also conducted  and target trainees were Addl.CsIT to ACsIT from all over India. The DTRTI, Ahmedabad is also leading in the fray of implementation of Raj-Bhasha Hindi. It has already conducted various Rajbhasha Karyashalas and scrupulously spreading the message of pride, pleasure and satisfaction in using Rajbhasha amongst the Officers and Officials of the Region. The Computer Training Package designed and prepared by DTRTI, Ahmedabad has received applause and recognition by NADT.

Team DTRTI, Ahmedabad has strengthened its aura of training with the help of its members like MSTU, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Rajkot, Jaipur,Udaipur.  MSTU, Ahmedabad, being one of the oldest MSTU in India, has 44 years of training excellence. Similarly, MSTU, Baroda, Rajkot and Jaipur with the experience of 28, 12 and 20 years respectively are also performing at their best to let the Income Tax Department achieve its Vision and Mission relating to Human Resource Development.


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