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         The Faculty Building at NADT campus, Nagpur houses the officers of faculty members.  There are 6 lecture halls, 2 Central halls and 4 Side halls. Each Hall has a capacity of 50-60 participants. Time to time, as per requirement, the classroom sessions of Induction programme, In-service courses, international courses, outreach courses, Foundation courses, Seminars etc also takes place in these halls.

The classroom sessions of Induction programme, In-service courses, international courses, outreach courses, Foundation courses, Seminars etc takes place in these Halls. The lecture halls are air-conditioned provided with the latest technologies on presentations, IT gadgets, acoustics, IT enabled displays etc. In view of the increase in demand for the classroom space, new larger and bigger classroom with appropriate and latest technologies are coming up in the proposed ATC building. This will enhance the capacities of classroom facilities in a big way.



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