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About DTRTI Bhopal

The Direct Taxes Regional Training Institute, DTRTI, Bhopal is a unit of the National Academy of Direct Taxes NADT and was established in 2014.  It was established to meet the training needs of officers and officials working in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Nagpur CCIT Region.  The objective of the Institute is to empower the Officers and Officials to explore and elevate their level best performance at all levels. Training is provided in an amicable and amiable ambience sheer conducive to enrich knowledge & skill development. The Institute is engaged in the task of imparting quality training to various grades of officers and officials of the Income Tax Department, right from the level of Inspectors to Addl. /Jt. Commissioners of Income Tax.

The Institute is headed by the Additional Director General who is an officer of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India.  The ADG is assisted by two Addl. /Jt Directors, and faculty members consisting of 2 Dy./Asstt. Directors, and 01 Addl. Asstt. Director.  The members of the faculty are experienced officers of the Department worked for long in the field formations who are motivated towards training.

Thus seen, DTRTI, Bhopal also exercises supervisory control over Ministerial Staff Training Units MSTU’s located at Bhopal, Indore, Bhilai and Nagpur. The MSTUs basically cater to training requirements of Group C and Group D officials posted under their respective jurisdictions.

DTRTI, Bhopal owing to lack of infrastructure, manpower and administrative constraints, had a slow start. Regular training courses could not be conduct for want of requisite resources. However, now regular and specialized training courses are conducted for the training population under its vested jurisdiction.



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