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Instructions for the participants of in-service programmes


1.       Please plan your travel in such a manner that you reach the Academy latest by 8.00 am on the opening day of the training programme and remain up to 6.00 pm on the concluding day.  Early departures before the end of the programme will not be permitted.

2.       Participants need to attend the entire programme. Part participation is not allowed.

3.       Accommodation and pick up-drop is provided by the Academy, provided your tour programme is sent well in advance to enable us to make the necessary arrangements for you.

4.       The dress code for attending classes in the training programme is office attire. Casual attire including jeans, t-shirts, sports shoes, sneakers, etc., are not permitted in the classrooms.

5.       NADT has excellent sport facilities, including a modern sports complex with a gymnasium and a number of indoor sports. Participants desirous of using these facilities should bring appropriate sports attire.

6.       Please be punctual and adhere to the timings for all sessions as per schedule. Late coming and abstaining should be avoided.

7.       Please keep your mobile phones switched off or in silent mode during sessions.

8.       Arrangements for accommodation of the participants is made in the hostels, viz., Indashala/Takshashila.  Food will be served in ‘Akshaya’ Mess, NADT. In case of any requirement during your hostel stay, please call extension No. 2825 Indshala reception /2615 Takshashila Reception

9.       A flat sum of Rs 500/- per day will be payable towards mess charges.  Billing is done on this basis, irrespective of whether meals are actually taken or not.  Room rent is charged separately.

10.     Please make payment of room rent and mess charges before you leave.


          Wishing you a pleasant stay at NADT and happy learning!



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